JaimSend: An AIM Broadcaster...

Intro | Download | Notes | History | Related Links

JaimSend is a primitive command-line AIM broadcaster that allows you to send the same message to multiple AOL Instant Messenger buddies. JaimSend is written in Java.


You can download the JaimSend source code here (2.89 KB).

JaimSend requires Jaimlib/Jaim to connect to the AOL TOC server. Jaimlib must be downloaded separately.


When using JaimSend, keep in mind that every time it runs it connects to the AOL TOC server, sends the message to all recipients, and then disconnects. If you run JaimSend to frequently in a short time span, AOL will band your screen name from it's server for roughly 10 minutes at a time.

Please do not use JaimSend for spamming. Spam is not cool.

*** JaimSend is provided as is. Also, you are free to use, modify and distribute JaimSend as you see fit. Jaimlib (aka JAIM) has its own terms that you must comply by (which can be found on its website). ***


Version 1.0: released January 28, 2003.

Related Links:

Java AIM Protocol Library (aka Jaimlib, JAIM)